Ques: Which celebrated Italian filmmaker on a visit to India fell in love with a Bengali lady, Sonali Das Gupta ?
a) Sergio Leone
b) Federico Fellini
c) Robero Rossellini
d) Luchino Visconti
Who they are ?
a) Sergio Leone
Sergio Leone was an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter most associated with the "Spaghetti Western" genre. Leone's film-making style includes juxtaposing extreme close-up shots with lengthy long shots.
b) Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini was an Italian film director and scriptwriter. Known for his distinct style that blends fantasy and baroque images with earthiness, he is considered one of the greatest and most influential filmmakers of the 20th century
c) Robero Rossellini
He was an Italian film director and screenwriter. Rossellini was one of the directors of the Italian neorealist cinema, contributing films such as Roma città aperta (Rome, Open City 1945) to the movement.
d) Luchino Visconti
Luchino Visconti di Modrone, Count of Lonate Pozzolo, was an Italian theatre, opera and cinema director, as well as a screenwriter. He is best known for his films The Leopard and Death in Venice.
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