Ques: In a circle, which of these is half of the diameter ?
a) Area
b) Center
c) Circumference
d) Radius
Ans: d) Radius

Ques: About whom did the poet write, 'Lakshmi The ya Durga thhi vo swayam veerta ki avtar, dekh marathe pulkit hote uski talwaron ke waar' ?
a) Rani Durgavati
b) Jhansi Ki Rani
c) Rani Ahilyabhai Holkar
d) Rani Padmavati
Answer: b) Jhansi Ki Rani

Ques: Where was Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragrade posted when she was arrested in a visa case in 2013?
a) England
b) Switzerland
c) United States of America
d) Russia
Answer: c) United States of America

Ques: Which of these gases is named for its color ?
a) Helium
b) Methane
c) Oxygen
d) Chlorine
Answer: d) Chlorine

Ques: Which queen did Draupadi, the wife of the five Pandavas, serve in the guise of Sairandhri for one year ?
a) Sanjana
b) Satyavati
c) Satyabhama
d) Sudeshna
Answer: d) Sudeshna

Ques: Which newspaper once kept its editorial colun blank as a mark of protest against the Emergency of 1975 ?
a) Hindustan Times
b) The Indian Express
c) The Hindu
d) The times of India
Answer: b) The Indian Express
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